Weekly Shoots

2024 Competition Calendar

2023 Competition Calendar

Check For Cancellation of Todays Competition

Club competition shoots

All Darwin Rifle Club competition shoots are conducted under the National Rifle Association of Australia, Standard Shooting Rules.

Be at the range by 1pm, 12.30 if you need to arrange to borrow club gear. Draw for shooting positions takes place at 1.20pm, so that shooting can commence at 1.30pm.

2 applications of 2 sighters and 10 counting shots.

At the end of the year, the club championship is awarded based on each member's aggregate of the best 3 scores at each range distance over the year.

Procedure for rain affected shoots

If shooting on a Saturday afternoon is cancelled because of rain, the shoot will reconvene on Sunday morning. Be at the range by 8am, draw for shooting positions at 8.20am, shooting commences at 8.30am.

If the shoot is again rained out on the Sunday:

Club competition shoots - shoot twice the next time up the range at the same distance with first draw at 10.20am, first shoot to commence at 10.30am. Other shoots - may be reconvened or cancelled at the Captains discretion. If to be reconvened, Captain will advise details at the time.

Australia Day Prize Meeting

Held on the Saturday closest to the Australia Day public holiday. This is part of the Northern Territory Australia Day Sports Carnival.

Grading is Club Grades

Be at the range by 12noon, 11.30 if you need to arrange to borrow club gear. Draw for shooting positions takes place at 12.20pm, so that shooting can commence at 12.30pm.

2014 onwards - Two applications of 2 sighters and 10 counting shots at each of the 500m and 600m ranges.

Darwin Open Prize Meeting

Held over 2 days on the first weekend in June every second year (alternate years are the NT Kings).

Be at the range by 08:30 hrs, 08:00 hrs if you need to borrow club gear. Draw for shooting positions takes place at 08:50 hrs so shooting can commence at 09:00 hrs.

  • DAY 1: One application of 2 sighters and 10 counting shots at each of the 300, 400, 500 & 600 m ranges.
  • DAY 2: One application of 2 sighters and 10 counting shots at each of the 600, 700, 800 & 900 m ranges.

Lou Hook and NT Kings

Held over the long weekend in June every second year (alternate years are the Darwin Open Prize).

The Lou Hook (lead up event) and the N.T. Kings Prize will be held over the Monarch's Birthday long weekend.

Refer to the NTRA website at www.ntra.org.au for details

Long Range Championship

Held on the last Saturday in June.

Be at the range by 12noon, 11.30 if you need to arrange to borrow club gear. Draw for shooting positions takes place at 12.20pm, so that shooting can commence at 12.30pm.

One application of 2 sighters and 10 counting shots at each of the 800m, 900m and 1000m ranges.

Turkey Shoot

Second-last shoot of the year.

Be at the range by 1pm, 12.30 if you need to arrange to borrow club gear. Draw for shooting positions takes place at 1.20pm, so that shooting can commence at 1.30pm.

One application of 2 sighters and 15 counting shots at the 900m range.

First prize in each division (A, B, C grade and F class) is a christmas turkey.

BAPTAP - "bring a prize, take a prize"

Last shoot of the year. Everybody wishing to compete brings a prize to the value of $10 - $15.

Be at the range by 1pm, 12.30 if you need to arrange to borrow club gear. Draw for shooting positions takes place at 1.20pm, so that shooting can commence at 1.30pm.

One application of 2 sighters and 15 counting shots at the 900m range.

This event is a 'self-handicap'. Each shooter must nominate a handicap before they commence shooting. However, be warned! You will be penalised by 2 points for every one you over-shoot. For example, your total score will be out of 75 (15 shots). If you think you will shoot a 70, you may nominate a handicap of 5. However, if you shoot a 73, your final score would be 73 + 5 = 78, over-shooting by 3 shots. After applying the penalty, this would leave you with a final score of 75 - (3 x 2) = 69.

Members select a prize from the table in order of their final scores.